Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
hmm currently rushing thru ALL the homework i have!!!imagine that!!sacrificing tmr's training just to complete all these stuffs!!argh!!luckily i still have the friendly on friday...hmm guess this time de holiday is really a WRONG timing..lyk i'm still left with so many homework and i'm not gonna celebrate my birthday and christmas in singapore this year?!its lyk SO not worth it...and i'm actually not completing ALL the homework i have coz if i'm gonna to,its gonna take me till next year to complete them...so i'm lyk doing 'selective' homework now!?...argh...nvm..juz complete it and relax and go for my holiday bah...[dun even noe wad am i gonna enjoy in this trip?lyk all sceneries and nth else?and with lyk long bus journeys,each takes bout lyk 7 to 8 hours to travel from a state to another?..omg..think the only thing that attracts me is the factory outlet shoppings bah! hahas =) ]
okies guess thats bout it le..the next time i'll be updating will be when i'm back on the 28th!! BYE!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
hmmm,how shld i start??....ermm was in dad's car todae on the way to fetch ah ma bahh...then sudd dunno wad think strike the wrong nerves in my mind that made me lyk start thinking of things in the past...hahas..weird huh?!thn guess wad was i thinking bout??hahaha!!...was kinda regreting over some things that happen..and i finally understood why * ignored me when i...bah...was kinda cruel of me loh...haiz...somehow really missing those times..if i didnt...mayb things would be diff now...hahas...oh well...who ask me so 冲动 at that time...=( nobody to be blame for...anyways,just wanna sae SORRY!! =) though i noe you wun be lyk reading my blog lah...hahas..just to make myself feel much better=)
hahas anyways!! talking bout HAPPY things!!! i've lyk gort my FIRST BIRTHDAY PRESENT BY MY BELOVED COUSINS,ESTHER AND QIANXIU!!! hahaha!! simply LOVE that 'bear' hahah!!! and that magnet that describes bout sagittarian's character is SO true!!! hahaha!! okies,and we were lyk celebrating christmas todae?!?! must be thinking its lyk SO early right!! hahas but my sweet family[[mum's side]] were lyk celebrating it together coz my family's gonna leave s'pore on friday midnight so by the time when we're back its alrdy time to celebrate new year's eve le!! no more christmas =(...haiz really still kinda disappointed that we're gonna leave on my birthday...somemore its early in the morning...friday midnight and saturday EARLY morning...pathetic...actually this date to travel really isnt good but what to do?my EGYPT trip's GONE!!...thats why gotta make do with things bah...
haizz...cant go to class chalet coz i nidda rush thru homework le...pathetic right?coz by the time when i'm back on the 28th i definitely wun have the time not even mentioning mood to complete all THESE homework!! haiz...sad case huh?! hahas okies!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
hahas pic taken in the changing room in one degree 15.Coolest toilet ever!!!
nice flash right?!?! hahas!! BEST-EST photography skills!!! =P
taken in the best!! hahas!!
hahahas!!! MOST unglam pic of mandy ever!!! =)
hahahs!! guess wad?! this is the first time mandy's asking me to take a pic for her wor!!! hahahas!!! jkjk...
okies,guess that's bout it le! hahas!! byebye!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
The plan is,we meet at 7am at cck control station and go to vivocity from there.
Next,we go to Giant and buy all the things we nid and so on(P.S. i already wrote the list of things we nidda buy le) =) So i estimated by the time we finished buying it shld be around 9 plus.My aunt will be giving me about 4 to 5 resident pass so the few of us with it can take the free shuttle bus service provided at vivocity all the way to my aunt's condo.Then,the rest we'll either pay to take the monorail or my aunt will come out and give us a lift in =) We'll then leave all the things in my aunt's house and thn head towards the beach in sentosa...If i'm not wrong its the Siloso beach,this one we nidda take the monorail there coz its quite far away and we nidda pay for the monorail,i think its around 2-5 bucks bahh,not very sure either but shldnt be very expensive...then,we'll play at the beach there and right,i think we shldnt swim in the sea there as in lyk whole body go into the sea coz its not safe and my aunt dun wanna be responsible if smth bad happens..Hope you'll will understand...Then at around 12 plus,we'll go to the foodcourt near the beach and settle our lunch there (:
Afterthat we'll go back to my aunt's house and have a swim there!! hehes!! Coz cant swim in the sea mahh so swim at my aunt's house de pool,hahas safer and shld be more fun also =) hehes..and after our swim,we'll go back into my aunt's house and do our preparation for the bbq le okay?
P.S. each person nidda bring bout 15 bucks for this bbq. If you'll have any questions can sms or call me bah =)
Monday, December 1, 2008
hmmm,shall learn some paragraphing skills bahh else my blog will look so messy hor,yuefeng??hahahs!okies,went to lotsa shopping this weekend hahas!! coz...MY BIRTHDAY AND CHRISTMAS IS COMING!! hahaha!!! Mom and Dad brought me out to buy for both my birthday and christmas presents this weekend!!hahas decided to buy a sling bag and wallet =) got my wallet alrdy but have yet to find my sling bagg =( my bro is lyk so busy in the IT show for the past 4 days luhh...but he's so pro man!! throughout these four days right,he sold lyk 31 laptops?!?!? OMG!!!! hahas!! he's gort my mom's genes i bet...hahas!!
hmmm...dun realli feel lyk blogging bout benny lim's wedding though...coz we practically took loads of pics and pics again...hahas!but the bride and groom are really a perfect match!! hahas!! shan't post any pics until i get more bahh hahas!!actually,the chapel wasnt wad i expected it to be though..hahas but oh well it was still kinda cool...and,i think i pangseh-ed cherie and berlyn that day...SORRY!!!SORRY!!SORRY!!!shld've went to find you guys loh..haiz...really felt very bad bout it...
hahas another funny thing is MISS JIAYING!! she tot the wedding was on sunday man!! hahas!! so blur!! but guess she's quite disppointed...NEVERMIND!!!you'll definitely have a chance to attend MY WEDDING!!! hahahaha!!!after seeing them getting married hor i seriously feel lyk getting married lah!! hahaha!!! kidding kidding!=) hahas!
hmmm...hehes pardon me for all the 'hmmms's...hahas..hmmmm...feel lyk saying smth but forget it..hahhas!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

hahas guess wad?!?!i used to be this much shorter than my bro but now i'm lyk only 3 to 4cm shorter than him!!! hahahah!!my aim:to be taller than him someday!!! hahas!!
okies thats bout it le!! byebye!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
okies,todae we went to chung cheung high main school to play friendly and guess wad??yuefeng didnt come!! =( hahas and me and mandy paired up!omg right?!hahas! then,as USUAL,we both behaved childish-ly again!!hahas there's twice when we played thn i tyco get the ball into the table thn we gort the point and we both actually sorta screamed and high-fived each other?!?! and it wasnt a QUIET one!!! hahahs!! childish! =D but wad kinda fun although we still lost in the end but wasnt that bad coz we played till the fifth match and lost to 9-11..hahas good job buddy!! =)
hmmm,my eye bags are realli serious this time!! i hadnt had enuf of sleep for this week and for goodness sake!! i'll be going over to my dad's friend's house tmr after the open house and we'll definitely be there till at least 1am...and the worse thing is the next morning i gotta go over to my ahma's house for lunch which is at lyk 12 plus!! hahas let me sae my whole sleeping schedule for the week.hahas! first of all,during the tabletennis camp on monday,we didnt sleep at all,or okay lah mayb half an hour or so bah??hahas!! and thn on tuesday,my dad came to fetch me together with my mom and bro coz my bro officially ended his A levels so my dad wanna bring us out to sorta celebrate bahh thn we met my dad's friend which is the same one that i mentioned above, so we went for dinner and went to his new house to sit..and FYI tmr we're going over with the other friends for his housewarming party bahh i think.hahas thn that day we stayed at his house till bout 130am man!! thn i was lyk back home only around 215am thn slept immediately..hahas and the sad thing is that i gotta wake up at 930am the next day!! ahhH!!! hahas!! coz i nidda meet yihan and azeezah at cck control station at 10am..hahas!! we went to bugis anyway and met merlin there as well..hahas managed to persuade yihan to buy that costly bagg and my christmas present for her is also included in the bagg okay?!??!hahaha thank me!!! =) else i guess you wun buy that bagg le..hahas its realli nice on you!! and the dress also!! dun worry too much on that day bahH!! high self-esteem rmb?!??! =) hahas!! okies talking bout me hahas hmm i also not very sure wad i wearing for the wedding bahh but nvmm...hahas not realli impt for me though..mayb juz that dress bahh hahas!oh yeah i sidetrack..hahas back to my sleeping schedule this week right,i was at wednesday when i woke up at 930am,hahas okies thn i came home after going out and slept that night at bout 12 plus 1 bahh coz i was kinda stucked with my drama..hehes! so i slept once again at 12 plus and woke up at around 8am the next day ready for training that day that starts at 9am...hahas busy woman huh?!?! hahas!!thn on thursday night i think i very tired alrdy so i very guai leh!! slept at around 12 sharp!! hahas but the thing is coz i nidda wake up at 730am today morning...=.=haiz..irritating right?eversince our supp lessons ended i didnt have time to sleep till late until now loh!! thn tonight i bet i nidda sleep at around 1 alrdy coz i juz missed the 9pm show and gonna watch the replay at 12pm later bahh hahas!! thn tmr morning nidda wake up at 7am or mayb 6 plus le bah!! coz tmr is KRANJI'S OPEN HOUSE!!! argh!! irritating!! hahas!! nidda be there by 8am and meeting yuefeng they all at 730am and meeting cherie downstairs at 715am..hahas i not bad alrdy loh coz i dunnit so much time to get prepared in the morning..hahas around 10mins will be enuf le..hahaha!! easy girl right?!?! =) thn tmr's gonna be a busy day again..coz after the open house ends,i nidda go home shower and get ready to go to my dad's friend's house..and once again i'm gonna stay there till bout 1am plus or mayb even 2am le bah..and stil okay i tot i can sleep late on sunday but who knows?!??! my mom juz told me we're going to ahma's house on sunday for lunch and of course shld be going there quite early le bahh so the latest i gotta wake up at around 10 plus i guess...haiz..hahas TIRED OKAY!!! hahas!! but i think its quite cool lyk tt hahas!! as what i've said before,if i only had more than 24 hours each day,hahas i think i'm trying to do that now loh!! hahaha!!
hmm i think i said quite a lot le leh..hahas okies thats bout it le!!!
hehes paiseh i lazy to change the colour so let it all be the same bah!! hahas
Saturday, November 15, 2008
hmm well,my uncle came back from US on lyk thursday morning 1.25am..hahas and we went to eat bak kut teh after picking him up..lyk who can eat such heavy stuffs at this point of time...guess wad??my bro ate 2 BOWLS of rice!! hahas and since that morning right,my sleeping hours simply changed and its all messed up..hahas! so i'm lyk busy out these days with him =) and!! HE BOUGHT BACK LOTSA DARK CHOCS FOR ME!!! hahaha!!! my fav!!! replenish my stocks!! =D okies,thats bout it...
dun reali feel lyk posting much le...byebye!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
okies now i'm gonna do this real lame quiz that hariz asked me to do...
01.Single, taken, naked or flirt?
Answer: single =)
02.Are you happy with that?
Answer : ermm duh!!!
03.Would you still kiss your ex?
Answer : please!!! i'm not sucha person...
04.Have you ever had your heart broken?
Answer : ermm yeah i guess so but its my fault...lOls
05.Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay?
Answer : ermm not realli though...
06.Have you ever talked about marriage?
Answer : hahas yupps coz of too much dramas i guess=)
07.Do you want children?
Answer : ehh yupps!! i can communicate SO well with kids!!! hahas
08.How many?
Answer : hahas not a lot though..but definitely more than 1 =)
09.If someone like you now, would you want them to tell you?
Answer : erm ya sure..why not??doesnt harm me?? and its better to talk things out=)
10.Do you want someone you can't have?
Answer : hehes..
11.Have you ever been in love?
Answer : hehes...
12.Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
Answer : yeah of course!! its the enjoyment of life!!!
13.What would you say about you recent ex?
Answer : hahas no comments...
14.Does your ex still have feelings for you?
Answer : how would i noe??
15.Do you believe in long distance relationship?
Answer : Yupps.
16.Do you believe in love at first sight?
Answer : Yupps
Truths About Me.
01.Are you perfect?
Answer : nahh nobody in this world's perfect =)
02.Are you tall?
Answer : NAH-UH!!i wanna grow till 175cm!![[primary sch's target!!]] bout 7cm more!! I CAN DO IT!!!
03.Are you short?
Answer : ehh dun think so...
04.Are you in your pyjamas?
Answer : No...its lyk only 7pm???
01.The last friend you saw?
Answer : ermm mandy yihan yuefeng hweejie...
02.Last talked on phone to?
Answer : My mom =)
03.Last person to text you?
Answer : Azeezah!!
Answer : ermm 12??
Answer : none is particular..
Answer : Chocolates!!! OMGosh!!
Questions and Answers.
01.What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
Answer : off my fan..
02.Do you have anything bother you?
Answer : yupps..
03.Whats the last movie you watched in the theatres?
04.Where is the last place you went?
Answer : Kranji Secondary School
05.Do you smile a lot?
Answer : yeah of course!! i'm always full of laughter!! [[ i guess ]] hahas
06.Do you wish upon stars?
Answer : nahh
07.Are you a friendly person?
Answer : yeah most of the times =)
08.Where did you have your sleep last night?
Answer : ermm my bed??!?!
09.When was the last time you cried?
Answer : Hmm,mayb months ago??
10.What was your last thoughts before going to bed?
Answer : hahas..Private and Confidential
11.Rate life as of it now,one being bad, ten being great?
Answer : 9 outta 10
12.What do you hear right now?
Answer : My aunt's talking out in the living room
13.Does anything hurt you right now?
Answer : ermm dun think so..
14.What your favourite month?
Answer : December!!! coz its my birthday and Jesus's!!! hahaha!!!
01.Are you missing someone right now?
Answer : not realli..
02.Are you tired?
Answer : nope!
03.Are your parents still married?
Answer : YEAH!!!
01.Real name?
Answer : Vanessa Ho
02.Eye colour?
Answer : brownish-black bahh?
03.Male or Female?
Answer : Female =.=
Answer : hehes..
05.Hair Colour?
Answer : Black [[ a lil white hairs..=P ]]
06.Sweats or jeans?
Answer : eh?!?!
07.Phone or Camera?
Answer : phone with camera!!!
08.Health freak?
Answer : not realli...but quite a clean freak!! hehes
09.Righty or Lefty?
Answer : Right
10.Smoke or drink?
Answer : NAH-UH!!!
01.First best friend?
Answer : Valerie[[wonder if she rmb me..Kindergarden friend=) ]]
02.First enemy?
Answer : CAT!!!
03.First vacation?
Answer : ermm..US bah..
Answer : Nahh juz finished dinner
Answer : Yupps.plain water..
03.Listening to?
Answer : ermm in my place by coldplay..new songs that hariz sent to me..
04.Plans tomorrow?
Answer : supplementary lessons back in sch..=.=
Which Is Better For The Opposite Gender?
01.Lips or Eyes?
Answer : Eyes..
02.Shorter or Taller?
Answer : taller of course!!
03.Romantic or Spontaneous?
Answer : both?
04.Sensitive or Loud?
Answer : prefer sensitive..
05.Hook-up or being in a relationship?
Answer : huh??wads hook-up??
Have You Ever?
01.Drank hard drinks?
Answer : nahh!!!
02.Lost glasses or contacts?
Answer : nope!! i'm free from all these!!!
03.Ran away from home?
Answer : please!! my home's the best place ever!!!
04.Broken someone's heart?
Answer : yeah...
05.Been arrested?
Answer : =.=!!! obviously NOT!!!
Answer Truthfully.
01.Do you like someone?
Answer : guess so??
02.Are you seriously happy with where you are in life now?
Answer : YUPPS!
1. KAIMI!!
3. YIHAN!!
4. AZEEZAH..[[though she doesnt' have a blog..]]
haiz..cant believe i did this...=.= and i actually bothered to change the colours of the questions and answers!! hahas!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
hahas okies,last friday was lyk our celebration for cutegirlgirl!!! and we totally pranked her can!!cant believe i'm such a 'CONVINCING' liar!!! =D shall skip the in-betweens coz i scared she'll feel so embarrassed of herself after seeing this!! hahas!!! kidding kidding..^^
Oh yeah!! I've finally learnt how to play daidi [[ehh guess its spelled this way??]] !!! you must be thinking i'm such a noob...=.= coz no matter how i learn right???i'll always forget the next day!!! coz i find it SO difficult leh!!! haizz...hahas forget it...=) i'm not cut for all these kinda stuffs...
Okies!! todae we had this lame two hours break in between our lessons=.= and when i went down outside the staff room coz yihan nidda meet mr siah and force me to go for that lame donation thingy on december =( i saw carina and yingying bringing back lotsa stuffs for the beijing ppl as gifts bahh..AND right!!! Carina had this SUPER DUPER CUTE dolphin toothpick holder!!! shld have taken a picture of it!!! i'm lyk really amazed by that thing i dunno why...simply find it SO nice!!! okies let me try to explain how it works,its lyk a rectangle box infront that contains the toothpicks and thn right there's this dolphin on top of the box...so,if you press the dolphin's head down right,when the dolphin comes back up there'll be a toothpick in its mouth!!! OMGosh!!! So amazing huh?!?! hahaha!!! actually its juz a spring below the dolphin and somehow when you press the head down the spring will cause the box to pop out a toothpick and thn the dolphin will pick it up in its mouth..but its lyk so cooL!!! my first time seeing sucha thing!!! hahaha!!! will buy it if i see it somewhere next time!! =D
AND!! i did a seriously stupid thing in class todae,also during the break!! okies,Siangning[[the greedy eater]]hehes,saw zhaowei having that mint choc thingy and she ask for some lah...then she took some le thn yihan took and thn ziyin took..hahas then when it was my turn to take right,mayb i was too rough or something,ALL THE CHOCS SIMPLY CAME FALLING OUTTA THE BOX!!!!its lyk ALOT of them!!! and i dunno why i find it so funny..hahas!! i laughed till i cry!!! imagine it?!?!? hahaha!!! its seriously funny!!!!thn until i finished laughing right,siangning and yihan were already lyk busy helping me to put them back into the box and left those on my hand,on my hand..and asked me to eat it...hahas!!! sorry zhaowei!! didnt mean it de...=(
Hmmm,wanted to scold someone over here de but i decided not to pollute my blog...i'm lyk a kind-hearted person unlike SOMEONE!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
hmmm todae's training wasnt that fun at the ending though...coz me and yuefeng had to adapt that kinda new way of playing???okies,i dun realli disagree to defensive strategy though..but no matter how its realli hard for us to change so easily right??furthermore i've been trained to sorta attack eversince i changed to the zhong and duan jiao already right??[[nevermind if you dun understand]]then now if you ask me to lyk kip cutting and try not to smack its realli a challenge for me...i'm not saying my attacks are lyk always confirm in one lah..surely will have out de mah...at least i noe that i noe when to cut or when to smack mah...at least..and,the same frustrating thing is happening again!!! i cannot serve downspin!!!![[i dunno if its called downspin but nvr mind]] I AM SERIOUSLY HAVING PROBLEM IN THAT AREA!!!and okies now he taught me to use the smooth surface on the other side of the bat but thats juz my temporary bat!!when i change back to my original bat both sides of the bat is ZHONG JIAO!!!then how??!?! gone case ah???awww=( if i dun master my serving right i think the winning of the match is lyk very low already coz serving is lyk SO important???haiz....dun worry!! i wun give up de!!! no matter how i will try to master it as much as possible!!! =) ONE DAY i will be able to do it de!!!
P.S. i seriously didnt mean to throw the ball at you de but i was realli very bushuang with your attitude...wads your problem??is it SO difficult for you to play with us??do you realli DUN LIKE to play with us till this extend??but no matter wad i'm realli sorry bout that...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
actually was kinda happy today though but when my bro came home today,he was SO disappointed...coz his maths paper 1 for A levels was totally a big mess for him...he lost bout 40 marks outta 100??usually my bro wont make such mistakes de but this time he sae the paper is realli though and he seriously didnt noe how to do all of those qns..guess he blanked out??haiz...the first time i see my brother's eyes turning red when talking bout exams..or shld i sae i've nvr ever seen my bro having bloodshot eyes in any cases in his life so far...how???its juz the beginning of his exams and i'm worried he'll have this kinda phobia or wad??i guess he wont bah coz my bro's a smart guy no matter how!! =) i shall carry on supporting him!!! HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY KORKOR!!! =D hopefully you wun feel that badd bahh...wads done is done so,juz carry on and do your best in your paper 2 ya??!?! =) hope he can see this though!! hahas!!! =) oh wells,thats life huh???
thats bout it!! ^^
Monday, November 3, 2008
was lyk crazy over hsm juz now again when i saw the dvd in the hsm3 soundtrack disc that i had to borrow from amalina coz my dad didnt wanna buy for me=.= and i didnt noe how to burn the disc!!! how stupid!!! oh well,juz being satisfied for a while is enough for me =) hehes... i juz wanna sae..KAIMI IS MY BESTEST BUDDY!!! hahaha!!! the best childish buddy with me who'll do crazy stuffs with me and perhaps SERIOUSLY childish acts...hahaha!!! LOVE ya!!! =D
P.S. i aint a les okay?!?! =)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
okies think thats it bah!! oh yeah!! i decided to send my brother a forever friends e-card on his actual birthday on tuesday!! hahas his birthday is lyk the day of the US president election!! hahas!! cool huh??!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
i noe the person yihan's talking bout in her blog!! that irritating person that cares bout her missing classes???hahaha!!!
my goodness!! i think azeezah's dream is lyk so gonna come true!!=) oh yeah tt person is lyk so concerned bout yihan missing her classes...and too bad yihan was lyk feeling so irritated bout it and not feeling WOW by how much he's concerned over her..hahas!!
pardon me!i'm lyk feeling so high now i dunno why...had been lyk tt since maths lesson juz now in class..hahas!!!
talk lata!!! byeee!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008
thn we went to jec to take neoprint and we werent satisfied with the first one we took so we took a second time!! so each of us gotta pay 10 bucks!! very ex right?!?! but at least the 2nd time was very nice=) next we went to jurong point to watch hsm 3 coz jec's movie theater is under renovation!! =( we went to jurong point to buy the 2pm tickets and thn went to pizza hut for lunch!! of course i could only afford the student meal..hehes! the funny thing that happened in pizza hut...we paid 17 bucks to the woman coz the total bill is 16.94 bucks...thn we sat at there for lyk 5 minutes thinking lyk mayb the woman will come back and return us the 5 cents or something..hehes..kinda dumb right?!thn we thought for a while before we decided to leave the restaurant loh..hahas felt kinda weird leaving a restaurant without a receipt or something though...hahas weird experience =P
next stop in our itenary is to watch HSM 3 of course!! =) the movie wasnt very nice for me though including the songs as well...but was still kinda nice seeing all the hsm crew working together and make a last movie=)anyway,i decided to buy the hsm 3 soundtrack disc this time round so as to kip as memory bah..hehes coz i didnt buy the 1st and 2nd disc..=)hahas! actually overall the movie was still quite nice lah..hahas..very contradicting right?!?!..thats me!=)hahaha!
okies thats bout it!! byebye!!!
shall post our neoprint the next time if i learnt how to scan the pics into my com..hehes!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
NEXT!when we're at the mrt right,me and mandy took out our psp and play DJmax [as usual=P ]thn hweejie also took out hers and play too! hahas!! psp partying right!! hahaha!! thn gort this particular group of ah bengs saw us playing thn coincidentally gort one guy in the gang also have a psp thn god knows wad he's trying to do,he practically walked towards mandy and thn stand beside him and tried to play his psp thn he look back at his gang thn they all laughing=.=obviously he's trying to lyk be a weirdo!!! =.= thn right!when we saw two seats vacant le thn me and mandy go sit down and play DJmax loh thn yihan yuefeng and hweejie also come along..thn while we're playing right,the same guy and another guy in green came beside yihan and stood there for quite some time....at first i didnt recognise de thn after some time whn they left right,guess wad yihan told us?!?!? that guy actually ask her to take picture with them leh!!! OMGosh right?!?!? thn we all didnt notice loh coz we're lyk busy with our psp...thn luckily yihan said no loh...wahhh stunt right???hahas!! thn for some reasons all of us started to be lyk a little scared or smth thn we ask our brothers or moms to come fetch us home..hahas!and surprisingly my dearest brother was willing to fetch me at the side gate!!! hahaha!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
okies think the panadol is getting some effect now...feel lyk going to sleep soon!! byebye!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
another thing!! tmr nidda go sch already!!! which means results are coming out already!!! oh no!!! what if i nidda drop to sub-science???coz i realli did so badly in chemistry and physics!! and how bout my maths...hopefully i can at least kip an A for both maths...which i think its the least possibility=( and my language?!?!? esp my chinese?? mdm yong said we didnt do well and how bad can i do?? gone case... hopefully things will turn out to be diff tmr bahh...realli starting to panick now..haiz...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
okies,this pic is abit gross though but its the first time i'm using my hands to eat!!! amazing right?!?! =]
look at yaacob!! he's still so cute even though the pic is blur!!..hahas!
now with the pic clear...HE'S OFFICIALLY CUTE!!!
okies the one on the right is muqbaru,isnt he lyk so dashing?!?! hahahas!
OMGosh...even whn his eyes are lyk looking in other ways he still look so shuai!! =)
hahas all thanks to merlin for his weird posture! but anyway he still looks so innocent and funny!!!
i have no idea why he's doing this but juz took it anyway..hahaha!!!
the big family!!!no nid to mention the ones on the left right?!hahas!but from the far right,the one in blue is nadia,the one in white is muqzaminah,hopefully i spell correctly=) the two of them and muqbaru are siblings! we were lyk saying its in their genes that the three of them are lyk so pretty and handsome!! hahas!!!
NOW!! let ME take a pic with the two cute and handsome guys!!! hahaha!!! its totally my honour!!! hahaha!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
isnt he lyk so shuai and cute???hahahaha!!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
was looking back at all the posts i had throughout eversince i started blogging and i found out that i've sorta grown up already??!?!although i'm still as childish at times..=P
hahas i realli think its time for me to forget bout all these and get on with life ya?=) at that point of time you're realli getting off my mind but i have no idea wads happening..everytime i try to forget,you juz appear in my mind again and whn i'm over you again you'll end up ignoring me again??is this some kinda crazy crush or something?
anyways i choose to believe that this is juz a long-term puppy love and i dun wish to kip things going on lyk how it is now...i dunno how i feel now and its totally confusing..seriously dun lyk this!
yeah i gotta agree,mayb some times i realli think too much and perhaps all these things aint happening..but my instinct tells me that its somewhat true..so is it???i'm totally speechless!hahas okies thats it....
hmmm another thing!THERE'S A POSSIBILITY THAT I CAN GET MY 放羊的星星EAR STUDS!!unbelievable huh??? all thanks to weiting!!!hahas 我爱你!realli hope i can get it as soon as possible!! hahaha!!! okies thats bout it..
Friday, October 3, 2008
hmmm mayb i think i'm having a little confusion here...i said i will forget and i thought i willl but recently i realised when you're sorta 'ignoring' me,i'm starting to feel a little weird...i realli dunno wad to do now..but thank god its not affecting my studies for now! THANK YOU JESUS!!!
hahas okies think thats bout it le!! dun lyk being emo you noe..hehes!
all thanks to the tour group for not having enough ppl and the terrorists solomani or something lyk tt de...so my initial fun experience tour is lyk totally ruined and became this not so fun yunan trip and its confirmed!!! everything will be bout sceneries there and i dun realli look forward to it actually but nvm at least i can travel...and the weather there will be quite cooling also..and the shld i sae good or bad thing! we're gonna travel on my birthday!! 20th December!! omg!!! SO not fun!!! sobs=(
rather i'm looking forward to the tabletennis gathering that we're gonna have on the 9th to 10th dec at my aunt's house hahas!! bet its gonna be so fun!!! okies thats bout it le!!! =)
P.S. sorry i lazy to change the colour so pardon me for the boring colours...=)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
next thing! todae after sch mdm mahh said she's gonna giv us some sort of maths IP and thn the 'four leaves'[[hehes me azeezah yuting siangning]]were lyk deciding if we shld stay or go home and we ended up playing SCISSORS PAPER STONE!! i knew all of us were lyk thinking we wanna go home but part of us feel that we nidda stay and ask bout this trigo topic so the first 3 rounds its lyk yuting and siangning won so we're suppose to stay but we were lyk still hesitating..so we played again and this time we changed to if they win thn we go home! and indeed!hahas we went home!!! =D okies thats bout it...exam's almost nearing and i think i'm not tt done with my revision and i dunno by whn will i be done with it!! haiz...VANESSA CAN DO IT!!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
hahaha!!! i'm so pro!!! i can go be investigator in future already!!!hahaha!!!
anyways not bad lahh...added a little colours to my life for this boring mugging life i have now!! hahas!!hmm...was suddenly thinking bout my egypt trip again!! thinking bout the 13 hours flight..i have lyk 13 hours to watch movie and i think if i can chiong thru i can watch lyk mayb 5 to 6 movies there and whn i come back i can watch 5 to 6 movies again!!woohoo!!!but hopefully this airline provides the latest movies=)or else i'll be totally bored to death i guess...hahas!okies thats all!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
they're like so FRAGILE!! its as though i can lyk break them anytime!!
hahas todae quite a lot of us went to visit ms sim after school=)hahas once we entered the house,my immediate attention was her cute little baby,Evelyn!! =D hahas she's simply so cute!!!BUT whn ms sim allowed us to carry her right,i was totally freaked out when evelyn was on my hands!!! she's lyk so scary!! hahas... or shld i sae i am the one scaring her i guess...but luckily after lyk trying to carry for the second time,i wasnt that scared anymore hahas juz that i guessed she pee on me and yihan whn we carried her and she poop! on siangning and azeezah whn they carried her!hahas she's so cute!!! =D and of course,not forgetting ms sim's elder daughter,Adelyn!! =) at first i think whn i first saw her i was lyk too close to her and she was lyk scared of me and started crying?!?!she made me kinda scared of her too...whn babies cry its REAL horrifying!!! but in the end,i still managed to high-five her for like 2 to 3 times!!hehes!i'm still lovable among kids okay?!?!hehes coz afterall i guess i'm still quite childish=)AND!daniel is totally deprived of childhood can!!! although i'm kinda a little also but at least i'm much better than him!!hahas!!! he was lyk so amused over those balls in the inflated pool thingy!haiz if only i brought my phone thn i can take pics of these funny scenes..hahas...I AM A GUAI PREFECT OKAY!=D hahas and how smart all of us can be! we all left yuting and daniel inside the baby's room and play with tt inflated pool!! hahas!! how pro can we be?!?! =D hahas,jkjk...oh well, i think i spent too much time in ms sim's house todae afternoon and i kinda gort a 'lecture' by my dad for being home late todae coz my bro isnt at home either so he feel 'lonely'..hahas cant blame him...coz i think he's sufferring from menuopause[[or wadeva coz i dunno how to spell=P]] hahas!! anyways,todae was very fun!!! although i didnt realli manage to study much...hehes!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
i've lyk totally decided that i shldnt kip thinking bout all these lame stuffs anymore..it totally doesnt work for me!perhaps its juz a sudden feeling that i've gort or shld i sae misunderstand...so i'm sure i'll be able to get over this in no time!!! i believe in myself and i noe i can overcome this! furthermore,looking at all these things you've been doing recently,sometimes i simply juz cant help but feel disgusted...i wonder what've i been thinking bout for these few months or years..i'm totally wrong i guess. i shall forget about whatever i've mentioned bout you, whatever that happened and not misunderstand anything again!
we're PURELY friends and nothing else..i will always bear this in mind!!!
P.S. this post is SERIOUSLY so emo-ing..just ignore this and go ahead in life!!!it will soon be faded off my life!!! Lotsa thoughts were running through my mind while i was stoning and i realised all these things..its juz so childish...=)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
okies no pics to update coz its a afternoon celebration so me and my cousin gort no mood to take pics...hehes=P
well,the whole lunch was quite ok juz that i was seriously pissed with this grandfather of mine!!!okies,i dun mind if you're biased against me budden you dun have to make things so obvious right?!?!i'm starting to think if i'm realli your granddaughter can...okies i bought a present for my grandma and i gave it to her when the birthday cake came out and HE wanted to take picture with all the grandchildren and i said how bout opening the present first thn we can take pic together with the present coz the present is a display item from me and my bro mah thn its lyk quite nice if we take pic with the present..thn he sudd raise his voice damn loud and said take picture first lah![in cantonese of course]and everyone was lyk sorta looking at me while i asked my grandma to open the present lah!he sudd sae this whn everyone was lyk very happy can!you dun have to make things so difficult for me right??its not even your birthday luhhh!!! wad rights do you have to make decisions for mama?!?!even she also wanted to open the present can?!?!SPOILER!!!thn obviously the pic that the grandchildren took together with the two of them was kinda ugly lah coz of my black face in the pic...mayb i shldnt even take pic together loh!!! i rather take juz me and my grandma...idiotic!!!thn afterthat i juz went back to my seat and sat there and make my bag's zip coz it came off mah...thn i think my aunt and dad realised i bushuang liao thn ask me to help open the present with my grandma lah...thn i already very pissed at that time so i simply said nvm lah go home thn open loh...i even wanted to sae throw away the present lahh...budden of course i wun sae tt infront of my grandma lahh i respect her ok!so i eventually went forward and help my grandma open the present and of course i didnt stand beside my grandad and asked my bro to take pic for me and mama and i didnt mention taking with him... noe its kinda rude..but even if he dun respect me as his granddaughter at least he shld respect the present i chose can...i spent alot of effort in choosing it loh...i'm somehow glad that i didnt buy a present for you during your birthday coz mayb you wun even appreciate it=( i noe i shldnt sae all these mean things but i seriously cant take it anymore...wait till one day whn he seriously reached my boiling point i realli dunno wad i'll do...cant believe i realli have such a grandfather...
**i love you grandma!!!!**
Saturday, September 13, 2008
hmmm,yihan came to my house to sort of rest for awhile before going back to sch and we chatted till bout 320 thn we realised that we're late!!!so we rushed to sch and saw lily's dad's car pass us and we were lyk running at that time...hahas
thn we met jiaying at interchange thn we chiong to sch!!!thats where the fun started!!! me jiaying felicia and sophie carried a few goodie baggs to limbang park and waited for the truck to arrive there with all the goodie bags=( for lyk an hour it was seriously boring so me and jiaying went with gurvin and xuesi to limbang and buy sweet talk..hahas they were lyk the water boys=.=lOls...whn we're back,we wandered around the park and waited for the crowd to start coming so that we can start work...before that,we were like running around trying to get the balloons from those indian men but its lyk the first time they gave but the following times whn we tried they didnt wanna giv us...they simply 'chose' ppl to giv balloons to...wad kind of ppl are they loh...thn i only had lyk two to three spoonfuls of rice that the sch provided coz it was lyk so yucky!! and i was 'fasting'!!hahaha!!!thn throughout the night we were lyk busy with the DOOR GIFT from 7 all the way till bout 9!! those aunties and uncles are lyk so horrible!! i think the highest record was lyk 20 bags of door gift!!! he even asked for two boxes!!! seriously didnt lyk him=( after that guy,i think it's almost the time for lantern procession and i didnt noe the trail so i sorta 'sabo' dylan and he was the only guy to lead the crowd..hehes...but in the end all of us still went to help him k?or shld we sae we juz go for fun coz we're lyk super bored of the door gift!!!so whn we're walking,warah came over and walked together hahas can see that she's kinda bored so we went and walk through the trail together=) hahas! i think i sorta realised that i'm scared of balloons bursting and fire...hehes...very cool mid-autumn celebration!!! =)
Friday, September 5, 2008
oh well,,tmr going to karaoke with my cousins!!!hahaha!!!but the bad thing is i gotta wake up lyk 730 and leave house at 8 just to meet them at kallang at 930=.=so damn early!!! ahhh!! nvm anyway already got use to sleeping late and waking up early....hahas for example todae morning there's friendly at 715 and we nidda meet in sch by tt time..BUT i slept at around 2am last night just to finish watching the hongkong drama i've watching now!! its realli cool::岁月风云!! and it ended around 1245 and i went into my room exactly whn it ends but i just cant seem to sleep..mayb gort realli irritated by those ANTS that invaded into my room few days back and it totally made me feel so insecure in my room whn i sleep...imagine a whole bunch of ants crawling on you and you dun even realise it!!! yikes!!! disgusting!! so i bet on monday i will look horrendous with my panda eyes and my realli short hair!!
okies thats bout it!!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
egypt's trip here i come!!!
oh my goodness!!! can you believe it??!?! i'm finally going to egypt!!! my last year's wish is fulfilled!!!! hahaha!!! seriously happy!!! will be leaving on the 20th of november and back on the 30th!!! 10-hours flight!!! woohoo!!! simply LOVE long flights!!!
oh well,although the previously planned america trip dates and everything is suitable but after we heard from the guy in the travel agency introducing bout egypt,we were lyk "hmmm...mayb egypt's a better choice" hahas so we ended up choosing that!!! however,the bad thing is we gotta break the promise we made to my cousin over in america that we're gonna go over this holiday..kinda felt bad bout it and i noe he's gonna be so disappointed...anyway,who ask america to be so far away from singapore??if its nearer, i think we can lyk meet up lyk twice in a year??!! hahas i'm just thinking wild..know its impossible=)
I AM SOOO EXCITED CAN?!?!? hahaha!!!
hehes,imagine me sitting on one of the camels!! =)

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
why does ppl always get stead now???and the thing is stead already thn dun care bout friends anymore???everytime there's a holiday or sch dismiss early or any occasions we used to gather and like at least meet up once in a while...but its like now everyone is busy going out with their steads and dun even bother anything???mayb thats wad sec life is supposed to be huh...whatever then..
okies today is teachers' day and unfortunately or shld i sae fortunately i didnt go out!!!managed to control myself and come back home pathetically and slack till now...hmmm sudd miss the times whn me cherie berlyn kaimi and weiting go home together after every celebration and how noisy we were on the way back..hmmm things realli changes though...thn it was kinda boring walking home today with azeezah..we both were lyk so sian diao can??
anyway,todae's celebration was so cool!!! ESPECIALLY lydia's dance!!!she's lyk so PRO!!!i still cant believe it till now..the whole stage was totally hers whn they were doing the dance!!me and lily were lyk totally stunt over all the moves lydia did can???3F is simply cool i guess hahas!!
hahas i'm seriously bored now but will be going to the IT show later with dad and bro..
although i dun have a realli fun life with frens lyk others now i'm happy with the family i'm having now...
nothing is perfect in life,you cant have both family and frens all be around you..you'll either have one...thats my philosophy i guess...=)
Monday, August 25, 2008
hahas okies i did a veryy dumb thing yesterday and i'm finally admitting that i'm seriously dumb...ok,i have this 500 piece puzzle that my maid gave me last time and i was doing it with my cousin during the june holidays when she came over to my house for sleep over..and we finished it within two days...and you know wad?!?!
i went to buy the frame and i was lyk wondering how to transfer it over to the frame from the wooden part to the plastic part...and the puzzle was on the wooden part and i was lyk trying to transfer to the plastic part by turning it upside down=.=and OBVIOUSLY the puzzle was gone right?!??!
OH WELL!i gotta redo the whole thing from about 12 plus to 4 plus and went out and continued back on 8 plus and COMPLETED by 11.30pm!!hahas!!!not bad right???all by myself leh!!!and a little help from my dad and maid though...hehe=)
Friday, August 22, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
anywayz i didnt noe wads wrong with me after chinese period today,just felt lyk bursting out suddenly and so abruptly...anyway thanks for berenice and yihan's shoulder especially and comforts from azeezah merlin and emlia and angeline=)thanks guys! was fine very fast afterthat!!!no worries!Vanessa's a brave girl!!!hahaha!!!
well,reason for why i cry??many many reasons,,was actually a mixture of everything though...hahas=)
well,after this time i hope the next time i do this again will be a long time ahead!!!seriously dislike crying!!!
hahas!!! VANESSA CAN DO IT!!!!