Tuesday, October 28, 2008
i noe the person yihan's talking bout in her blog!! that irritating person that cares bout her missing classes???hahaha!!!
my goodness!! i think azeezah's dream is lyk so gonna come true!!=) oh yeah tt person is lyk so concerned bout yihan missing her classes...and too bad yihan was lyk feeling so irritated bout it and not feeling WOW by how much he's concerned over her..hahas!!
pardon me!i'm lyk feeling so high now i dunno why...had been lyk tt since maths lesson juz now in class..hahas!!!
talk lata!!! byeee!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008
thn we went to jec to take neoprint and we werent satisfied with the first one we took so we took a second time!! so each of us gotta pay 10 bucks!! very ex right?!?! but at least the 2nd time was very nice=) next we went to jurong point to watch hsm 3 coz jec's movie theater is under renovation!! =( we went to jurong point to buy the 2pm tickets and thn went to pizza hut for lunch!! of course i could only afford the student meal..hehes! the funny thing that happened in pizza hut...we paid 17 bucks to the woman coz the total bill is 16.94 bucks...thn we sat at there for lyk 5 minutes thinking lyk mayb the woman will come back and return us the 5 cents or something..hehes..kinda dumb right?!thn we thought for a while before we decided to leave the restaurant loh..hahas felt kinda weird leaving a restaurant without a receipt or something though...hahas weird experience =P
next stop in our itenary is to watch HSM 3 of course!! =) the movie wasnt very nice for me though including the songs as well...but was still kinda nice seeing all the hsm crew working together and make a last movie=)anyway,i decided to buy the hsm 3 soundtrack disc this time round so as to kip as memory bah..hehes coz i didnt buy the 1st and 2nd disc..=)hahas! actually overall the movie was still quite nice lah..hahas..very contradicting right?!?!..thats me!=)hahaha!
okies thats bout it!! byebye!!!
shall post our neoprint the next time if i learnt how to scan the pics into my com..hehes!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
NEXT!when we're at the mrt right,me and mandy took out our psp and play DJmax [as usual=P ]thn hweejie also took out hers and play too! hahas!! psp partying right!! hahaha!! thn gort this particular group of ah bengs saw us playing thn coincidentally gort one guy in the gang also have a psp thn god knows wad he's trying to do,he practically walked towards mandy and thn stand beside him and tried to play his psp thn he look back at his gang thn they all laughing=.=obviously he's trying to lyk be a weirdo!!! =.= thn right!when we saw two seats vacant le thn me and mandy go sit down and play DJmax loh thn yihan yuefeng and hweejie also come along..thn while we're playing right,the same guy and another guy in green came beside yihan and stood there for quite some time....at first i didnt recognise de thn after some time whn they left right,guess wad yihan told us?!?!? that guy actually ask her to take picture with them leh!!! OMGosh right?!?!? thn we all didnt notice loh coz we're lyk busy with our psp...thn luckily yihan said no loh...wahhh stunt right???hahas!! thn for some reasons all of us started to be lyk a little scared or smth thn we ask our brothers or moms to come fetch us home..hahas!and surprisingly my dearest brother was willing to fetch me at the side gate!!! hahaha!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
okies think the panadol is getting some effect now...feel lyk going to sleep soon!! byebye!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
another thing!! tmr nidda go sch already!!! which means results are coming out already!!! oh no!!! what if i nidda drop to sub-science???coz i realli did so badly in chemistry and physics!! and how bout my maths...hopefully i can at least kip an A for both maths...which i think its the least possibility=( and my language?!?!? esp my chinese?? mdm yong said we didnt do well and how bad can i do?? gone case... hopefully things will turn out to be diff tmr bahh...realli starting to panick now..haiz...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
okies,this pic is abit gross though but its the first time i'm using my hands to eat!!! amazing right?!?! =]
look at yaacob!! he's still so cute even though the pic is blur!!..hahas!
now with the pic clear...HE'S OFFICIALLY CUTE!!!
okies the one on the right is muqbaru,isnt he lyk so dashing?!?! hahahas!
OMGosh...even whn his eyes are lyk looking in other ways he still look so shuai!! =)
hahas all thanks to merlin for his weird posture! but anyway he still looks so innocent and funny!!!
i have no idea why he's doing this but juz took it anyway..hahaha!!!
the big family!!!no nid to mention the ones on the left right?!hahas!but from the far right,the one in blue is nadia,the one in white is muqzaminah,hopefully i spell correctly=) the two of them and muqbaru are siblings! we were lyk saying its in their genes that the three of them are lyk so pretty and handsome!! hahas!!!
NOW!! let ME take a pic with the two cute and handsome guys!!! hahaha!!! its totally my honour!!! hahaha!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
isnt he lyk so shuai and cute???hahahaha!!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
was looking back at all the posts i had throughout eversince i started blogging and i found out that i've sorta grown up already??!?!although i'm still as childish at times..=P
hahas i realli think its time for me to forget bout all these and get on with life ya?=) at that point of time you're realli getting off my mind but i have no idea wads happening..everytime i try to forget,you juz appear in my mind again and whn i'm over you again you'll end up ignoring me again??is this some kinda crazy crush or something?
anyways i choose to believe that this is juz a long-term puppy love and i dun wish to kip things going on lyk how it is now...i dunno how i feel now and its totally confusing..seriously dun lyk this!
yeah i gotta agree,mayb some times i realli think too much and perhaps all these things aint happening..but my instinct tells me that its somewhat true..so is it???i'm totally speechless!hahas okies thats it....
hmmm another thing!THERE'S A POSSIBILITY THAT I CAN GET MY 放羊的星星EAR STUDS!!unbelievable huh??? all thanks to weiting!!!hahas 我爱你!realli hope i can get it as soon as possible!! hahaha!!! okies thats bout it..
Friday, October 3, 2008
hmmm mayb i think i'm having a little confusion here...i said i will forget and i thought i willl but recently i realised when you're sorta 'ignoring' me,i'm starting to feel a little weird...i realli dunno wad to do now..but thank god its not affecting my studies for now! THANK YOU JESUS!!!
hahas okies think thats bout it le!! dun lyk being emo you noe..hehes!
all thanks to the tour group for not having enough ppl and the terrorists solomani or something lyk tt de...so my initial fun experience tour is lyk totally ruined and became this not so fun yunan trip and its confirmed!!! everything will be bout sceneries there and i dun realli look forward to it actually but nvm at least i can travel...and the weather there will be quite cooling also..and the shld i sae good or bad thing! we're gonna travel on my birthday!! 20th December!! omg!!! SO not fun!!! sobs=(
rather i'm looking forward to the tabletennis gathering that we're gonna have on the 9th to 10th dec at my aunt's house hahas!! bet its gonna be so fun!!! okies thats bout it le!!! =)
P.S. sorry i lazy to change the colour so pardon me for the boring colours...=)