YOYOYO!!! i'm finally updating le!! hahas!! today's topic:the tabletennis 'sleepover' at my aunt's house!!! hahaha!!!
okies,we met lyk so early in the morning and i actually couldnt sleep the night before so i had only but 6 hours of sleep bah...thn we met and i said we shld take the 188 to vivo but i was wrong...coz its was quite a long journey and a few of us suffered from giddiness...hahas sorry!! then we went vivo and buy things..thn i shall skip this part bahh...
my aunt came to fetch us and we went to put our things in her house le thn we go to the BEACH!! hahaha!!! actually i guess we didnt plan to go into the water de...budden dunno how come we all juz went into the water lahh somemore we didnt have extra clothings!!! believe it or not!! hahaha!! we were in the sea for i guess bout 2 hours or so!! hahas thn we went to the toilet to wash up and guess wad?!?! i have sand up into my shorts!!! disgusting!!! hahas!! then we were supposed to wait for my aunt to fetch us up initially de..but we're all SO wet!! so we decided to WALK back to my aunt's condo!! hahaha!!! and we took lyk 40minutes to reach our destination though!! hahas but its a very cool experience!! its as though we're in some kinda expedition kinda thing!! hahaha!!!
hmm we didnt do much that day though..we were lyk only in and out of the water and in again and thats it..hahas we went back to my aunt's house and we didnt wash up!! we practically had our lunch and changed into our swimsuit and went down into my aunt's condo de pool and swim..hahas thn we swim till bout 5 plus thn some of us went out of the water to help start off our bbq le..and we STILL HAVEN SHOWER!! hahhaa!! we were lyk in swimsuits bbq-ing...hahahs!! cool huh?!? thn we sent sabrina off and celebrated her bdae with our baked potato as her birthday cake!! hahaha!!! special right?!?! then we continued bbq-ing before we started packing up at bo ut 8plus and thn headed to the pool again!! hahaha!! but mandy and hweejie didnt join us le...coz mandy's lyk real sick...hahas!! then we showered and thn sat down at my aunt's living hall de couch...thn thats bout it liao..we juz sat down and watched tv and then we started playing cards at bout 12plus 1 bah..thn we played till bout 2am..thn once they stopped i'm the first to topple liao...i was lyk sleeping on yihan's shoulder alrdy...thn after awhile i think they went back to sleep le thn i lie down on the couch and fall into my deep sleep...and i shant mention anything bout my sleeping time le..hor yihan?!?! thankyou very much for helping me say that in your blog hor!! hahaha!!!
okies then the next day we woke up and thn went for lunch at one degree 15...thn thats bout it liao..hahas lazy to sae somemore alrdy...but i gotta sae!! i have two weird lines on my hands!!! hahha!! all thanks to the sunburnt!! hahas!! its really cool!! but the lines are bout to fade off soon le...=) shall post some pics now bahh!! hehes=)
hahas pic taken in the changing room in one degree 15.Coolest toilet ever!!!

nice flash right?!?! hahas!! BEST-EST photography skills!!! =P

taken in the best!! hahas!!

hahahas!!! MOST unglam pic of mandy ever!!! =)
hahahs!! guess wad?! this is the first time mandy's asking me to take a pic for her wor!!! hahahas!!! jkjk...
okies,guess that's bout it le! hahas!! byebye!!!