hahas!!! lOng time didnt update!!! hahas but this's gonna be a short one though...=)
hmmm just created a facebook account coz i wanna go play those games that i'm always playing using my bro's account!! hahaha!! so cool right??!?!? i found myself another entertainment!! hehes though i noe its not the correct time for more entertainment at sucha time!! hahas!!
Sec4's life is simply SO tiring man!!! and its lyk alrdy gonna be April!!! OMG!!! way too fast!! haizz...!!! oh well...cant make time stop so i shall just make full use of my time then!!! hahahas!! I CAN DO IT!!! =))))
okies,,kaiimii is apparently making me listen to her JJ's songs and one canto song which is lyk kinda nice!! hahas!! making me liking chinese songs...hahas!!! budden i must sae JJ's jian jian dan dan de mv is really making me emo loh!! hahahs...reminding me of past...hahahas!!! okies i gtg alrdy!!! BYE!!! =)))
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
OOo hahas this is lyk the 100th post!!! hahaha!!!
***currently getting a very badd signness...*** :(
Hahaha!! guess wad??!??! something VERY VERY VERY funny thing happened just now!! hahaha!!! okies this is how the story goes, just now azeezah and i went to lot1 and apparently i had to go to aries to buy something..and thn we were lyk looking at those ermm lyk small small clips to pin up the fringe??ermm lyk those kindaa butterfly clip bahh budden its those extremely small ones!! hahas so apparently we were lyk looking at it and taking it up and see...and at this instant!! azeezah said "these kinda clips very easy to break one" AND at that exact moment!!! ***breaks*** this small white clip that i'm holding broke into FOUR pieces!!! hahahh!!! and the sound is lyk damn loud!!! hahaha!! if i'm not wrong,the sides broke into two and thn the metal thingy inside fell onto the floor and thn another metal thing inside the clip flew and gort kinda stuck onto azeezah's fringe!!!omg!!!! then once i saw that i immediately burst out liao!! and apparently right,the sales girl standing right behind me kinda didnt or pretended not to notice that we broke the clip...SO! we just left the shop and laughed our way home!!! hahahah!!! ITS SUPER DUPER FUNNY!!!
Okies,think i'll just blog bout this today bahh...its SO THE JOKE OF THE DAY MAN!! its either i'm too rough or that clip is simply too cheap...hahahs!!! condemns aries...hahahas!!! =)
hmmm recently i seem to be getting over it le?i feel lyk i'm practically ignoring your presence these days and i choose not to look at you anymore...hahas oh well!! i guess this is just all for my own good!!! GOODBYE!!!
***currently getting a very badd signness...*** :(
Hahaha!! guess wad??!??! something VERY VERY VERY funny thing happened just now!! hahaha!!! okies this is how the story goes, just now azeezah and i went to lot1 and apparently i had to go to aries to buy something..and thn we were lyk looking at those ermm lyk small small clips to pin up the fringe??ermm lyk those kindaa butterfly clip bahh budden its those extremely small ones!! hahas so apparently we were lyk looking at it and taking it up and see...and at this instant!! azeezah said "these kinda clips very easy to break one" AND at that exact moment!!! ***breaks*** this small white clip that i'm holding broke into FOUR pieces!!! hahahh!!! and the sound is lyk damn loud!!! hahaha!! if i'm not wrong,the sides broke into two and thn the metal thingy inside fell onto the floor and thn another metal thing inside the clip flew and gort kinda stuck onto azeezah's fringe!!!omg!!!! then once i saw that i immediately burst out liao!! and apparently right,the sales girl standing right behind me kinda didnt or pretended not to notice that we broke the clip...SO! we just left the shop and laughed our way home!!! hahahah!!! ITS SUPER DUPER FUNNY!!!
Okies,think i'll just blog bout this today bahh...its SO THE JOKE OF THE DAY MAN!! its either i'm too rough or that clip is simply too cheap...hahahs!!! condemns aries...hahahas!!! =)
hmmm recently i seem to be getting over it le?i feel lyk i'm practically ignoring your presence these days and i choose not to look at you anymore...hahas oh well!! i guess this is just all for my own good!!! GOODBYE!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Okies,i noe this is a little random but ya...today went for karaoke with my cousin!! and my aunt!!! was damn fun can?!?! hahaha!!! =) but sad to say my mood was lyk ruin after that....arghhh....irritating....
ahhh who cares??? i decided not to care alrdy...its so useless and stupid....BLEH!!! XP!!!
hmmm really had fun with my cousin from yesterday and today!!! hahahs!! so gonna have more fun after my Os and her PSLE!! hahaha!!! best buds!!!! =)))
***nothing else to say***....
Okies,i noe this is a little random but ya...today went for karaoke with my cousin!! and my aunt!!! was damn fun can?!?! hahaha!!! =) but sad to say my mood was lyk ruin after that....arghhh....irritating....
ahhh who cares??? i decided not to care alrdy...its so useless and stupid....BLEH!!! XP!!!
hmmm really had fun with my cousin from yesterday and today!!! hahahs!! so gonna have more fun after my Os and her PSLE!! hahaha!!! best buds!!!! =)))
***nothing else to say***....
Thursday, March 19, 2009
okies,been quite long since i've updated...

hahahs!!! i have no reason why i took the pic of that dustbin coz kaimi asked me to take it and i think it sorta reminds us bout the time in beijing when i was SO fascinated with all those diff dustbins on the road that i took all their pics!! hahahas!!!
ULTIMATE CHIIINAAA VANESSA!!! wayy too chinese man!!! hahas! =)
Okies,trying hard to imitate brad pitt....
***trying REAL hard***
Yupps! Kaimi's imitating her husband--JJ lin!!
JJ again!! P.S. this is REALLY alike okay?!?!
Apparently,Kaimi also fell in love with my shades!!! hehehe!!!
it was extremely fun can!!! hahaha!! although with that limited time we had all thanks to my parents=.= hahas though i still went home late by bout an hour???..hahahs!! oh well!! let the pics do the saying!! hahahs
P.S. certain pics are really quite disgusting..so dun puke!! =P
hmm this 3 pics are lyk actually the start of our 'journey' we took the skytrain to T3!!! hahas we haven warm up yet...hahaha!!! seriously felt lyk tourists there can?..hahas!! =) oh yeah!! apparently we went all the way to changi airport and we ate mac =.= lame right? but thats the most practical lunch we can find coz both of us had tight pockets that day..hahahs!! didnt take pic at mac but there's this guy that looks SO lyk MR TEH!!! hahahah!!! laughed lyk mad at mac!! =)))
and then we went to ah kun to do a little homework and kaimi actually ordered a set B when she made her eggs super BLACK after she just finished her mac meal! hahahs!! i only ordered a coffeee...but!!! coffee & mac just dun click!!! dun ever try that!!! you'll get diahhrea drinking them together man!!! its so not cool!!! =)

Okies,think thats bout it first...coz we really took too many pics!! cant finish updating in one post!!! this isnt even half of our trip can!!! hahaha!!! =))) Byeee!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
YO!! today had the house meeting and it was seriously FUNNY!!! hahaha!! shld have seen how our alumni-Yasin and his friend tried to think of new cheers thru songs lyk Hot & Cold,Circus and sugar coated with candy or izzit candy coated with sugar?forgotten alrdy hahas!! it was damn funny!! totally laugh myself off!! and it made my day today!! hahaha!! hahaha!! thinking bout it alrdy make me feel lyk bursting out! hahaha!!!
hmmm SPA's lyk gonna start on monday alrdy...and i feel so unprepared somehow...hahas just dun feel safe whenever i do SPA...oh well! just try my best bah!!! =)
My plans to go out with Kaimi's getting more and more limited le!!! =((((( days when i'm free thn she's not and vice versa...so this march holiday dunno still can go out a not!! =( hahas so far the plan to go sentosa shld be not successful le coz of time clash...=( so next plan is to go airport on tuesday after her IP...hahas can go there study shun bian take pics!!! hahaha!! so gonna start our photo album man!!! totally regretted not starting it lyk during sec2 or smth..hahas!!

Hahas!! unsuccessful attempt!! =)
Successful! but overshot the camera's lens!! =.=
Hehes NICE ONE!!! =)

hmmm SPA's lyk gonna start on monday alrdy...and i feel so unprepared somehow...hahas just dun feel safe whenever i do SPA...oh well! just try my best bah!!! =)
My plans to go out with Kaimi's getting more and more limited le!!! =((((( days when i'm free thn she's not and vice versa...so this march holiday dunno still can go out a not!! =( hahas so far the plan to go sentosa shld be not successful le coz of time clash...=( so next plan is to go airport on tuesday after her IP...hahas can go there study shun bian take pics!!! hahaha!! so gonna start our photo album man!!! totally regretted not starting it lyk during sec2 or smth..hahas!!
Shall end with the jumpshot pics we took on friday!!! =)
hahas!! weird to see the 3 of us taking a pic together hor???hahahas!!
(any idea wads with that twist behind?lyk who's that???)
Me & Mandy + a weird guy in the hole...=.=
Hahas!! unsuccessful attempt!! =)
Hehes NICE ONE!!! =)
hahas!! dramatic pic or us!!! this is SO not planned!!! hahaha!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I'm lyk wth??!?! am i suppose to be crazy over JJ also?? i dun really fancy him that much though but i dunno why i feel so sad being not able to go to the airport lah!!! H.A.I.Z. i feel so ke xi lah!!! omg...and kaimi and xinxian were lyk at the E Awards thingy tonight...hahas!! So cool can?!?! hahaha!! hmm think this is lyk so not me...hahahs!! who knows?? if its brad pitt's thats coming to singapore right i think i'll be even more crazy than now can??!?! hahaha!! OMG!! imagine one day brad pitt/shia labeouf come to singapore thn i go fetch them at the airport!!! OH.MY.GOSH. i will totally be speechless man!! hahaha!!
hmm today's lyk kranji's annual road run thingy..and i did sorta run but yeah me and warah reached just right bout a few seconds after 16 mins and we didnt get that damn sticker!! disappointed...if not mayb our class can somehow win 4e bah..hehes though its quite tough yeah...hahahs!and after the road run me azeezah warah and amalina went to the canteen supposedly to go visit those booths bah..then i saw kaimi!! and she's lyk showing me her camera with the JJ looking into her camera!!! and i was lyk kinda mad at that moment i dunno why!! hahas practically screaming in the canteen(wth right?) then azeezah amalina and warah was lyk so sian diao in the canteen waiting for me..SORRY!! then afterthat mandy came..hahas then we were lyk using kaimi's camera to take jump shot! hahas!! so cool lah!! though i noe ALOT of jumpshots i ALL very unglam..hehes...but it was fun okay? though its kinda retarded...hehes!
Oh yeah! todae i actually wore fbt to school...and i felt totally weird in that can?!?! trust me!! i am not bitchy okay?!?! i guess i wun be wearing it any time sooner in school le..its so not me although its really quite cooling can? hehes!!
then afterthat me mandy yihan hweejie and vivian went to imm for lunch and eat this fishamon express?? hahas the pork katsu is nice loh!! hahahs!!! and worth the price!! hahahah!!! and sadly i cant join them for the movie due to parents' restrictions so i left them at the kopitiam when they're accompanying regina for lunch...AND!sorry yihan for ps-ing you...=( didnt mean to de somemore the other time we at imm i also ps you..Sorry!
hmm guess thats bout it! BYE!!! =)
P.S. shall update the pics taken today in school once i gort hold of them!! hahahas i still owe you the pics on azeezah's birthday i guess hahas i've yet to get the pics...sorry!!! =)
( feel lyk i'm talking to myself..=.=)
I'm lyk wth??!?! am i suppose to be crazy over JJ also?? i dun really fancy him that much though but i dunno why i feel so sad being not able to go to the airport lah!!! H.A.I.Z. i feel so ke xi lah!!! omg...and kaimi and xinxian were lyk at the E Awards thingy tonight...hahas!! So cool can?!?! hahaha!! hmm think this is lyk so not me...hahahs!! who knows?? if its brad pitt's thats coming to singapore right i think i'll be even more crazy than now can??!?! hahaha!! OMG!! imagine one day brad pitt/shia labeouf come to singapore thn i go fetch them at the airport!!! OH.MY.GOSH. i will totally be speechless man!! hahaha!!
hmm today's lyk kranji's annual road run thingy..and i did sorta run but yeah me and warah reached just right bout a few seconds after 16 mins and we didnt get that damn sticker!! disappointed...if not mayb our class can somehow win 4e bah..hehes though its quite tough yeah...hahahs!and after the road run me azeezah warah and amalina went to the canteen supposedly to go visit those booths bah..then i saw kaimi!! and she's lyk showing me her camera with the JJ looking into her camera!!! and i was lyk kinda mad at that moment i dunno why!! hahas practically screaming in the canteen(wth right?) then azeezah amalina and warah was lyk so sian diao in the canteen waiting for me..SORRY!! then afterthat mandy came..hahas then we were lyk using kaimi's camera to take jump shot! hahas!! so cool lah!! though i noe ALOT of jumpshots i ALL very unglam..hehes...but it was fun okay? though its kinda retarded...hehes!
Oh yeah! todae i actually wore fbt to school...and i felt totally weird in that can?!?! trust me!! i am not bitchy okay?!?! i guess i wun be wearing it any time sooner in school le..its so not me although its really quite cooling can? hehes!!
then afterthat me mandy yihan hweejie and vivian went to imm for lunch and eat this fishamon express?? hahas the pork katsu is nice loh!! hahahs!!! and worth the price!! hahahah!!! and sadly i cant join them for the movie due to parents' restrictions so i left them at the kopitiam when they're accompanying regina for lunch...AND!sorry yihan for ps-ing you...=( didnt mean to de somemore the other time we at imm i also ps you..Sorry!
hmm guess thats bout it! BYE!!! =)
P.S. shall update the pics taken today in school once i gort hold of them!! hahahas i still owe you the pics on azeezah's birthday i guess hahas i've yet to get the pics...sorry!!! =)
( feel lyk i'm talking to myself..=.=)
Saturday, March 7, 2009
General Paper-B
Project work-C
hahas!! so the main thing is lyk AAB(chemistry,physics and maths)
Lyk OMG!! my korkor can get into a University in Singapore for sure!!! he's lyk so smart can?haiz...hahas does it mean higher expectations on myself?...hahas nah-uh! hehes its all about ME and my own results!! but no matter what i think i still put my brother as my role model can?..hahas!! he's seriously good in his studies...hmm will he get into the accountancy course in NTU or SMU or does he wanna go into the mechanical engineering course in NUS...hahas!! all up to him!!!
CONGRATS KOR!!! =))))) I lOVE YOU!!! hahaha!! =)
General Paper-B
Project work-C
hahas!! so the main thing is lyk AAB(chemistry,physics and maths)
Lyk OMG!! my korkor can get into a University in Singapore for sure!!! he's lyk so smart can?haiz...hahas does it mean higher expectations on myself?...hahas nah-uh! hehes its all about ME and my own results!! but no matter what i think i still put my brother as my role model can?..hahas!! he's seriously good in his studies...hmm will he get into the accountancy course in NTU or SMU or does he wanna go into the mechanical engineering course in NUS...hahas!! all up to him!!!
CONGRATS KOR!!! =))))) I lOVE YOU!!! hahaha!! =)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
hmmm actually i feel lyk posting but i dun really noe wad i wanna post bout...
hahas weird huh?
hmmm,gort back almost all my common test results except for geography and i'm really very disappointed in my results can?...even my maths werent wad i expected to get...**disappointing**
Oh well,wads next?BUCK UP AND STOP SLACKING!!! =)
Time to wake up and really push myself to my limits!!!
No more time for sec 3 life anymore!!
I am sure i have the capability to do even better de!!! =)
*** trust me!nth can bring me down! so stop persuading me!!!***
Okies,shall update again when i thought bout wad to blog about...hahas!!
hahas weird huh?
hmmm,gort back almost all my common test results except for geography and i'm really very disappointed in my results can?...even my maths werent wad i expected to get...**disappointing**
Oh well,wads next?BUCK UP AND STOP SLACKING!!! =)
Time to wake up and really push myself to my limits!!!
No more time for sec 3 life anymore!!
I am sure i have the capability to do even better de!!! =)
*** trust me!nth can bring me down! so stop persuading me!!!***
Okies,shall update again when i thought bout wad to blog about...hahas!!
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