Saturday, February 28, 2009
Apparently,i think this weekend of mine is gonna be lyk quite moody...cos of certain reasons my whole weekend seems spoilt...haizz...kinda disappointing huh?? but oh well,there are just down times right? hahas! no worries,it'll be over soon! =)
hahas heard this song a little piece of my heart introduced by hariz,hahas although there's lyk quite a lot of vulgarities in it but its seriously a nice song somehow another..hahas!! thanks mr emo!! =) hahaha!!
okies guess thats all i'm gonna sae bah...hahas!!!
BYE!! =)
Friday, February 27, 2009
well,she's making me having certain thoughts in my mind too...oh well,i guess life's just lyk tt bah there are definitely times when i'm unhappy with certain ppl and times when i totally LOVE the people around me....mayb this is just another choppy waves i'm facing i guess...anyways i just have to bear with it for a while more!! I CAN DO IT!!
this is lyk a lesson in my life,i gotta understand next time in my work life i am bound to meet ppl i dun like but yet i have to work with them,so perhaps this is a time for me to practise and get use to it so that i wun feel as uncomfortable in the future...=)
hahas!! hmmm we're done with Adam Khoo workshop and i totally learnt quite a lot from there! =) i cant really sae wad i learnt from this workshop but i can sae that i feel that i'm lyk a person with more goals in life and noe where i'm heading kinda person as compared to the old blur and no sense of direction me.i noe wad is expected of me and i will do my best to meet it de! =) its lyk so cool to noe where you're going and where you want to go =)
oh yeah! hahas at the closing ceremony in adam khoo workshop i actually went up to the stage and said I LOVE YOU to my parents!..hahas i totally have no idea where i got the guts from to go up there and sae such mushy words! hahas but totally didnt regret saying that =) hahas!! it was a very very cool experience man!! =)
P.S. i cried lyk mad that day can...omg...
i think i really wanna study hard now and stop thinking bout all those unpleasant stuffs in happening around me...just let it come and go...well,afterall in the future when i grow up i still have to rely on myself right?friends are there to only support me,they cant help me...=) okays,i feel lyk i sound lyk a loner in this post and please i am not okay! hahas i'm just reflecting on wad i shld focus currently =)
hmmm,i sorta can see my future alrdy and i noe who's gonna carry on my journey with me and who's not gonna to...
although i'm not a christian pardon me but i feel lyk saying this :
Friday, February 20, 2009
hmmm!! after blogging i'm lyk gonna look for blogskins with kaimi!! hehes! planning to use the same blogskin under the friendship kinda theme!! hehes!! thn the best is we noe how to put our pics into the skiN!! hehehes!! its lyk so cool!! and we have very little pics that we took together!! so we must go out one day to diff parts of singapore and take all diff kinda pics!! thn we can post it once and for all!!!! hahahah!!! so excited for that day to come!!! hehehes!! we can go to places lyk explanade...victoria concert hall...ermmm wad else??? singapore arts museum!! hehehes!!! and of course places lyk orchard road or smth!! hehehs!!! cant wait for that day to come!!! OMG!!! so cool!!!
hmmm apparently i had to celebrate Valentines' Day at home bcos i needed to study at home for Common Test =.= but we had a very very sumptous dinner!! hehes!!! steak!!! cheese!! and mixed herbs butter!!! hehes!!! my fav!!! [[ P.S. its seriously sinful. ]]
my childhood friend,Weisia!! =) too bad Yanni isnt there with us yet...else we can take pic together..the three of us grew up together!!!
we've seriously grown up together okay!!! hahas!!! love ya!!!
okies for some reasons i dunno why i feel so silly in this picture...but its still fun afterall!! hahas!
okies she looks so grown up in this pic...hahas! afterall we're really getting old...hahas!!
another childhood friend took this for us!! its weisia's brother dingwei!! hahas!!
actually you're supposed to be able to see the two of us up there but after much tries its still a failure so forget it....hahas
Friday, February 13, 2009
I finally got the shades i wanted for SO SO SO long!!!
- not dressy
- sorta frameless with a thin silver lining
- light brown
- 100% UV protection
What more can you ask for?
hahahaha!!! i am SO SO SO SO HAPPY!!! WOOO!!!
i so understand that now isnt the right time to be happy over my sunglasses coz its lyk common test =.= now...and i've yet to really study on it yet!...and i'm lyk stuck with this stupid swollen eye and with cough sore throat and flu in my body?!?!...IRRITATING!so i'm lyk left with tmr and sunday to chiong my way thru!! so i guess tonight is the last night of the following week whereby i can really relax my mind and concentrate in playing...hehes..
oh yeah! today's valentine's day eve!hahas!! received lotsa CHOCOLATES & CANDIES from my BELOVED friends!! [ though i noe i cant eat them currently...:( ] thanks kaimi for the test tube and the SUPER SWEET NOTE!! thanks to yihan for her CHOCOLATES!thanks to yuefeng for her snacks and chocolates!!! thanks to LINEHNEH for her nehneh note and chocolates!! thanks to jiaying & hweejie for your toblerone!!! thanks to kailing for your chocs!!! and thanks to this piano-mate cum junior for your coffee candy!! hahahaha!! HAPPY VALENTINES' DAY!!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
think there wouldnt be anymore trainings alrdy?coz its the end of our tournament and we as sec fours nidda take up our pens and start burying our heads in books =.= haiz seriously gonna miss those times when all of us train together,training lyk mad,behaving lyk insanes,feeling disappointed together...seriously love our team...though we werent 'bonded' during sec1 and 2 but i think we're lyk so much closer now...hmmm next time we must still train together when we have the time to! for example lyk to destress or wadeva..hahas! hmm of course i'm sad by the fact that we lost after all our trainings but oh well,we tried out best to win le..=)
hmmm i feel lyk encouraging ppl now:
Yihan: dun feel sad le k?i think you tried your best le and i understand the pressure you felt when you're playing as the last single...hope you really feel so much better after crying it out...hmm didnt go and really comfort you just now cos i noe mayb you'll cry even more once i do so...but the thing is dun think too much alrdy...its alrdy over its time to concentrate and get back into pace for our studies k?there's always failures and successes in life de...just treat this as one of our failures bah...we'll learn from it de...
Mandy: Mandy!hmmm think you too panicky today le lah...and then at certain time you werent serious =.= but you still did good at the end of the match le not bad alrdy...dun feel that your four years of training is wasted k? it'll be forever in your mind'll always remember table tennis de! tournament is just a game,the most important thing is the process when we train together k?the fun we had,the skills we've learnt and many things else! all the best!!
Yuefeng: double partner! we did good today k! esp you!!! was extremely happy when you managed to get your 'smacking' feel back during the 2nd and 3rd set!! =) thanks for your encouragement during all our games =) although we lost today but i'm sure we played without regrets right?? hahas,i'll always remember the times when we train together as doubles de...=) the craziness we had together..hahas! and of course not forgetting a few bad times that we had also...=)
Songjia and Cilian: yo guys!! you'll really played till very well todae le!! could have won but all thanks to one bloody umpire that caused you'll to lose de...dun worry!! i'm sure you'll can do better next year!!! trust me!! jiayou!!!
Hanjian: YOU ROCK!!! seriously!!! i have nothing to say bout you!! your skills are lyk extremely stable!! and almost all your strokes are lyk so cool!! you're my hero man!!! hahahha!!!
hahas must be thinking that these few comments are lyk so weird coming outta vanessa right? i also think so,i rarely say such things though..hahas! but felt lyk saying this today so dun mind me=)
AND!! I FOUND MY WALLET!!! some kind soul from outside saw my wallet on the floor i guess and brought it all the way into the school and passed it to mr nice right?!??! though the money is lyk gone inside it doesnt really matters coz the wallet itself is lyk the most important thing to me!!!! THANK GOD!!!
hmm think thats all for the day le...byebye!!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
and yupps...the next way is to juz try our very best to win river valley and hopefully we can really have a breakthrough and create miracles!! not lyk wadeva that person said lohh....arghhh!
oh yeah,sorry bout my 'breaking down' on friday and thanks to yuefeng for your encouragement! i believe that we can still do it de!! but i wanna sae right,that day only tears welled up my eyes but no tears came down okay!so i'm still able to control well UNLIKE THE CRYBABY FROM THIS PARTICULAR SCHOOL THAT CRIES LYK SO EASILY AND SO BITCHY-LY!!! STUUUPIDD CRYYYBABYY!!!
wth...she really pissed me off lahh!! i totally didnt regret that i diao-ed you!!! hmph!! 2nd person in my enemy list...broke record....
oh well....shant let this kinda person ruin my day no matter how regretful i feel lah....haiz!! hmmm think thats all i shall update bout bahh...gonna be real busy this coming week i guess...still in cny mood and really eating ALOT to overcome my sad-ness.....