dunno wad we're all worrying about...its just lyk a common test?hahas but i'm also worried lah...hahas it feels lyk a real exam...hahas!!!
hmm todae we went out to watch movie and have lunch to celebrate Azeezah's belated birthday!! She was lyk SOOO touched by all the things we've done!! hehehe!! so cool!!! AND!! we watched VALKYRIE!!! hmmm think next time when we go out together we shld watch some other movies that you'll prefer bahh coz lyk the first time and todae de movie all i choose de thn i think you'll dun really lyk...sorry bout that...
hehes but i still think the movie's lyk DAMN nice!!!! hahaha!! dunno how to explain but the whole plot is lyk so cool although i noe its pratically history lahh but obviously i wun noe wads happening coz i'm not a history student!!! so the movie is lyk so nice and new to me!! =) and the sad thing is HITLER DID NOT DIE!! its lyk omg?!?! why's the world so unfair? such an evil doer shld lyk vanish from the earth long long time ago loh....they shldnt kill the kind ppl...hahas! oh well wad to do? i cant change history...hahas!!
AND todae i think we took ALOT ALOT of pics!! and emilia took a SERIOUSLY UNGLAM pic of me!!! its very very ugly!!! promise you wun update that pic hor!!! hahas shall update once i've gort hold of the pics! hahas!! coz its all in emilia's and azeezah's camera...=)
oh yeah...yihan lost her pouch again...haiz...the other time when we went out she lost her handphone in the theatres and its lyk this time she lost her whole pouch on the bus? izzit really that malay poly girl steal one??? guess so bah..haiz...its really very very sad to lose your wallet eversince my experience...so next time shldnt buy too big wallet coz its lyk very easy to drop out from your pocket....thats wad i think..hahas...oh yeah she just told me the malay poly girl called her and will be returning it to her tmr!! hahas!! kind souls still DO exist in the world!!
hmmm!! after blogging i'm lyk gonna look for blogskins with kaimi!! hehes! planning to use the same blogskin under the friendship kinda theme!! hehes!! thn the best is we noe how to put our pics into the skiN!! hehehes!! its lyk so cool!! and we have very little pics that we took together!! so we must go out one day to diff parts of singapore and take all diff kinda pics!! thn we can post it once and for all!!!! hahahah!!! so excited for that day to come!!! hehehes!! we can go to places lyk explanade...victoria concert hall...ermmm wad else??? singapore arts museum!! hehehes!!! and of course places lyk orchard road or smth!! hehehs!!! cant wait for that day to come!!! OMG!!! so cool!!!
OH YEAH!! I'VE YET TO GIVE VALENTINES' DAY PRESENTS TO YOU GUYS EXCEPT FOR MANDY[[hehes i gave you that heart of mine! ]] hmmm shall think of ways to buy something for you guys de!!! =) anyways it doesnt mean that i can only give friends presents on valentines' day right? i can give presents to friends anytime i wanna to...=)
hehes!! shall end of with my FAV pic with my FAV shades!!! =D
hehehehe!!! I SIMPLY LOVE MY SHADES MAN?!?!?!

hmmm apparently i had to celebrate Valentines' Day at home bcos i needed to study at home for Common Test =.= but we had a very very sumptous dinner!! hehes!!! steak!!! cheese!! and mixed herbs butter!!! hehes!!! my fav!!! [[ P.S. its seriously sinful. ]]

my childhood friend,Weisia!! =) too bad Yanni isnt there with us yet...else we can take pic together..the three of us grew up together!!!
we've seriously grown up together okay!!! hahas!!! love ya!!!
okies for some reasons i dunno why i feel so silly in this picture...but its still fun afterall!! hahas!
okies she looks so grown up in this pic...hahas! afterall we're really getting old...hahas!!
another childhood friend took this for us!! its weisia's brother dingwei!! hahas!!

actually you're supposed to be able to see the two of us up there but after much tries its still a failure so forget it....hahas

Finally!! a normal pic!! hehes!! i feel so kiddy beside her!! hahaha!!! Friends Forever!!! =)
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