Well, I feel like I've finally grown up and I can see things differently from many perspectives these days. Some people are just born selfish, some born kind and some just insensitive. We are always and will be always facing uncomfortable situations. For an adult, isn't it always about looking out for the younger ones even if they're not your own children in dangerous situations? I do not understand how is it possible for one adult to totally ignore two teenagers and just flee for himself and I don't think I can ever understand how you did that. These crazy experiences recently made me look at you differently and I am now starting to understand why others look at you in that way. I miss the old **** who was loving, caring and thoughtful who was always there for us, looking out for us before she changed into almost someone like you today. Seriously, sometimes love can really blind a person. I still do not get how is it possible.
Also, I got my A-level results back like two/three weeks ago and it was bad. Most of the grades are what i expected but some are plainly just disappointments. I was considering to retake but I clearly forgotten the dateline for registration was yesterday and I was not prepared to make a serious decision of retaking it then, so ohwell, face it and just go to a private uni I guess, shouldn't be that bad after all? I would really wanna go to a local uni and enjoy my life in the campus but if things really didn't turn out to be what I expect it to be, what else can I do right? Just make the best outta what I have now then! :) Results aren't necessarily everything right? Yes I know I'm saying this because my results aren't good, if it's good I would not have to say sucha thing to begin with right...Anyways, my goal to make a difference in this world still remains and no matter how tough this road is gonna be, my ultimate aim will still be there. :) I still believe it's possible. Everyone can make a difference.
Lesson learnt over the past few weeks: Appreciate what people around you had done for you and show them that you know it. Behave maturely and learn how to deal with abrupt situations given to you. Sometimes people just need to face it and learn how to get over it someday.
I miss days when we were younger~
Friends who were all innocent and want the best for you irregardless of what happens~
Days when houses are filled with people having the time of their lives and not discussing about serious affairs ALL the time~
And I kinda miss you too~
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