Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Ever wondered why some of your girlfriends only talk about ONE topic whenever you guys meetup? 
If you get what i mean.

Basically, I get the gist and you do not have to keep harping on the same issue again and again and again. You know how annoying it gets? And i've been 'tolerating' it for years... Okay, tolerating might be too harsh a word to use but i cant think of any that's better. Sometimes, you just have to get over it you know? Seriously, GET.OVER.IT. 

Things used to be very nice and i am extremely comfortable whenever i'm with you. We can talk about anything under the sky. And i dont know since when i've started to lose interest in the things we talk about maybe because IT.IS.ALWAYS.THE.SAME.THING. Come on, that's not what bffs do right! =.= 
Sometimes things are just not the same anymore, we all have our own lives.
So, just.move.on...........

"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

How i wish...

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